December 29, 2012

Happy Holidays's almost that time of the year where we all vow to have an even better year than the one before.

For me, I'm very proud to say that I've been pretty damn good at keeping resolutions and usually have kicked 8 out of 15 off of my list!!

This past weeks been a blur and I can't imagine how much progress can possibly be made before the beginning of January...once the kids are back in school and things have settled a bit.

Until then, I hope you and yours have had a phenomenal 2012 that challenged you in some way and brought encouraging change along the path you're on.

Me...I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store and I'm happy to see where this life is taking me!

Peace and Love,
xo Cat!

December 13, 2012

Holiday DIY-ing

Christmastime is here...and I've been adding little touches around the (rents) house to get us all in the spirit.

I scooped up some leftover tree branches from the lot when the kids and I helped my sister pick out her very first tree and I had every intention of saving these castaways. Just because they were at the bottom of the trunk doesn't mean they don't deserve to join in the holiday festivities too!

Keep in mind I have grand plans like this all the time and the fact that I actually went through with this has made me feel beyond productive

All I had to do was snip branches at various lengths, combine them at the base and make good use out of the drawer filled with leftover twist ties (you know...the ones from loaves of bread). Even remnant scraps that were too short or think have been put to good use since I've mixed them in with bowls full of pine cones and other decorations.

Maybe I'll go back and get enough to the the banister and make a wreath?? Maybe pigs will fly too but I can dream!

work in progress

up on the mantle

...and used throughout the house

Happy Holidays!

I brought home lots of cut off ends from the trees as well...and have an idea of how I'll put those to good use too. But that will have to be saved for another day!

xo Cat!

Highs And Lows

Late nights...

There's been so much going on the last few months since I've even posted on the 'ole blog and I'm starting at least one of my New Year's Resolutions early this holiday season and that's being better to ceciliablue.

 My days have been muddled in with last nights and, starting in January, I think I'll be in the best place I've been in a long time.

 I've been keep busy and have a long list of projects that have been completed and that are coming up...all creative in some way and good for ceciliablue and my overall progress as a designer/illustrator in general; I can't really complain about too much right now.

 I've designed logos and cards, am laying out two websites as I type (mine included...I know I know, I feel like I just redid my site but that was a temporary holdover and after a few months I got sick of it. I just didn't feel like it represented what I'm doing right now).

I've done a few photo shoots since I was last here and I'm finalizing my first mock-up book so I can start submissions to listing agents.

Etsy sales have picked up steadily and I'm always coming up with new projects to incorporate into ceciliablue in general.

I've been trying to get back into Bikram too but that ships sailed and my 30 day pass has dwindled down to 10 unused days so far...gotta use the other 20 ey.

Throw in a writing gig I've got in the evenings and then add the kids hw, projects, events, sports, etc....and you can start to see why I let this fall to the way side.

 For now though, I can commit to this again and I'm looking forward to it all! Life. Is. Good.

daydreamer ©ceciliablue

Keep dreaming,
xo Cat!