October 26, 2009

It's all Happening

Next time you make a wish Catrell, wish for what is, because really and truly, things don't get much better than this.

There is a purpose, a plan, and a reason for all things. What doesn't make sense will make sense. You are exactly where you should be, your challenges are what they should be, your rewards are what they should be and the best is yet to come. Time has served you well. Love is in the air. And you're looking mighty good in the light that now surrounds you.

A toast to life, to you, to us,
The Universe!


I'm just happy today. I know I talked a lot last week about things to come and the want to not share them at the current moments for certain reasons. I've let out a little here and a little there however and I really do see things coming full circle.

This week is focus week:

I received a very very important piece of my "finish school" to-do and things are in full swing. If only I could finish my essay!! i find it very difficult, for some reason, to put down in words why I chose the major I've chosen and what events led me to it! How do I explain that I feel it was a gift from God and the Universe that led me to this. That it's never faulted...that I've know what I wanted to become since I was seven years old. It sound simple (at least it did to me) but somehow I find it very hard at the moment. I'm wondering if I'm not focused because I've got other things I'm working on too....that are just as important as well. I have a few "rough" drafts but am not happy with the direction of any of them. I'll get it done though. I have to...and I know I work GREAT under pressure. I have until Monday basically...notta prob!

On another note...My Juicer will be here Friday! Perfect timing if you ask me because I can started Sunday or Monday after the weekend and Halloween are over and done with. And no matter what event, there's no faltering. I'm going strong with this thing. I have such great support through RawFu (if you're interested in going Raw or Vegan I suggest you check them out and join!), it's such a wonderful community. I've only been a member for five days or so and I already have friends and have received feedback and kindness and love. I needed this to be able to commit. It's inspiring to see where people came from (SAD) to now (Raw or 80/90). The possibilities are endless. I can't wait to feel ALIVE! To feel free and not drugged down. I had dinner at my parents house last night and my sisters stomach was so bloated...and she didn't even eat that much but it was out so far! I think we've all had those occasions and my insides are crying out to me. My yogi is ready to be free!

Also this week is....drumroll...Halloween! It's on a Saturday this year and I'm making my costume once again. This year however is a bit different because I am not just buying pieces, I'm actually sewing! I have two out of three pieces in...just waiting on my feathers! I'm getting my makeup done too. It should all be very exciting. At the same time I'm hoping this is the last year for a while where I don't have the kids. This is my third year in a row when it's fallen on a weekend of day that they are with their dads and I'm missing out on the Trick-or-Treating phase...and I know they won't be in it for much longer. So next year it's me and the three amigos!

So I guess that sums it all up for now. Oh yeah. I have to start/finish reading my book for book club. We are reading The Year of Fog and I "hear" it's all very good. I just haven't sat down to even open it up yet. Here's to hoping I can get through 397 pages by next Monday. It's doable...I'm not going to say anything more than that. Let's keep it positive! I'm also waiting on my Raw books to get here. They were shipped last week so lets say they'll be here by Friday too! I've got a lot of reading to do! (Add to that the fact that I ordered four other books that are not related to either Raw or my Book Club to the list!).

I reorganized my kitchen this weekend too btw. Microwave broke, (it was mom and pops' from the 90's..big, black and bulky). I decided to move it off of the huge amount of counter space it was taking over these last three years and put it in the graveyard (aka the garage) until I can dispose of it properly. In the meantime, I have incredible space now, and I even rearranged dishes in different cabinets so my open wall of cabinets look beautifully organized. Straight out of Pottery Barn if you ask me!

Alright..let me go. I have work work to do, and, seeing that it's only 12:55pm I should put a dent in something. If only I could blog, surf the net, go to Bikram and cook everyday. That would be the life. Someday though right! Soon and very soon.

Until tomorrow...or later if I have some important thoughts!

Peace and Love

October 23, 2009

Major Ramblings...

It's got nothing to do with being a perfect, goody-goody, selfless, sacrificing, spiritual saint, Catrell. Blah! That whole characterization was meant for a different audience at a different time, and they really had issues.

It's got everything to do with being yourself, trusting the magic, following your heart, dreaming big, and having fun.

Hosanna in the highest,
The Universe


Today has been very rushed and hectic and it's only 12:48pm! Doesn't help that I'm at work as well and I can "see" the sun shining from my window, (which isn't even technically my window but my coworkers...but if I tilt my head back and slightly to the right I have a beautiful view of fall foliage!). Come on 4:30!

I have the kids this weekend and I'm thinking about making it a Grace's Fortune/Blockbuster night...at least that was the plan earlier. Now that I've checked my bank account (and don't get paid until Thursday) we'll see how that goes. I feel like I should at least eat Grace's though one last time before my life transformation begins next week. Perfect timing too...I get paid so I will have wonderful funds to spend at Wholefoods, my juicer will arrive as well as my books and I'll be ready to start after Halloween weekend! :)

So...back to today. I'm at work and had a hectic morning because I was working on a project that I thought was due at noon today...well it's not. It's due Wednesday! lol...at least I was early for once. And I'm very very proud of it too. It's a going away card for a coworker of mine, (the lucky bastard is taking a year off and going backpacking around Europe and down to Australia!) so I created a 20x25 card with pop out detail...it looks just like an old travel suitcase with stickers all over it! (picture to come soon).

Its one of those rare things I get to make here at work, totally unrelated to what I really do here, where I'm allowed to make something and be creative and use my brain the way it was meant to be used. I can't tell you how tired I am of government brochures on policy and zoning (snore.) If only one of the thousands of jobs I've been applying for in the city would come through! There! I'm throwing THAT out into the Universe too.

Well...I've rambled enough for now. I'm off to find some food, (chicken from the farmer's market sounds good...the last of that too I guess), and to do some more RAW research online because I can't seem to get enough of it all! It's amazing how polluted our bodies are. I cannot wait to flush it all out and start repairing my heart, mind, body and soul. And I can't wait to share all of this with Collin too! I'm so excited...she's the one who pointed me in this direction and now that I'VE BOOKED MY FLIGHT TO LA!!! (whoohoo) I can talk to her in person, go check out some cool spots to eat at and breathe in some Pacific Ocean breezes ♥

Until tomorrow...hopefully I can keep up with this over the weekend. Oh, and wish me luck with the kids, on a budget, this weekend too.

Peace, Love and Infinite Possibilities as always!

October 22, 2009

Tone for the Day!

I do believe, Catrell, that if people would just start by saying "it's fun," when it seems hard; "I'm happy," when they seem sad; and "I know," when it seems as if they don't, they'd finally discover that it really is, they really are, and they always have.

Works for me,
The Universe

Good morning. I woke up feeling blessed, even as I was rushing, this morning. The rushing part is honestly not my fault today...I've noticed this week that my phone isn't ringing which also means that my alarm is not going off. Now, I just revamped my bedroom and decided it was time for my trusty alarm clock, circa 1994, to be put away. I guess I'm gonna have to break it back out. I guess it wasn't ready for its early retirement.

Anyhoo...today is Essay Day! I am promising myself and my life that I will finish writing the last portion of my application so I can send everything off On Time! Trouble is I've tried writing it and I can't get it out in words..."What led me to my interest in this major?" That should be simple right?? It's harder than it seems. Writing this and contacting SOMEONE at my old school are the last two things to check off!

On another note...I'm terribly excited, ecstatic, elated, to begin this new chapter in my life! I've found myself doing as much research as I possibly can on eating Raw and have even joined a few groups online for support and help, etc. I'm not telling too many people because that's the old me. Having plans, being excited, telling everyone what I'm going to do and then no follow-through. Not this time. I just priced a juicer last night (Thank you Mr. LaLanne) and have ordered books, set aside dinero for my first Raw trip to Wholefoods and I'm SO ready. No matter whose birthday party, going away party, dinner party it is, I'm not swaying on this one. Not one bit. The first step to a meaningful, healthy, insightful, purpose-driven life (for me at least) is cleaning out my body and mind of all of its build up! It's time for clarity and energy and strength! :)

I need to go do some work. I'll probably get back on and write some more because I have so much in my head right now. Until then, I'm leaving my Goals list on here:

Life: The Best!
Health: Raw. Yoga. Spirituality. Purpose!
School: Parsons!
Work: New Job. Finish Book. Art (Shoot and Shows and Line with Isra)!

Nothing's Impossible. All of this is 15 years in the making...I've got a lot more to do but...It's a Start!

October 21, 2009

My Daily Note from the Universe!

When it comes to setting aside a little time each day to visualize, Catrell, look at it like this:

No matter how distracted you become or how confused you are about the process, the simple fact that you gave your dream this time and attention means you did it correctly, you did it long enough, and that by the time you open your eyes, already in the unseen, huge wheels have begun turning.


You think I'd make it hard?
Your humble servant,
The Universe

Catrell, always, you are so much more prone to success, fulfillment, and happiness, than to anything you might be afraid of.

So it may be an odd way to start out but I truly do enjoy getting my little notes from the Universe everyday. I don't often share them with people but this one was very inspiring (they usually are though).

I'm on a mission to clean out my body, get rid of all its toxins and begin a new, vibrant, healthy, clear-minded, soul stirring life for my family and I. There are some very exciting new paths developing in my life right now, soon to come and be told and heard but, for now, I'm keeping them tucked away in my pocket because I'm not a fan of talking about things that have not been solidified yet.

All I will say is this—as happy—truly—as I am right now, there's a balance that is off and I need to have it in order to gain focus and insight into my future. My future for my children, career change, life-change.

There is a yogi deep down inside of me and I'm going to let her out! That balanced, in tune, flax cracker eating chickie that's been screaming beneath all the layers of stomach fat, an alcohol absorbed liver, tired, allergy-filled body I have abused. I'm tired of it. My little yogi is tired of it and she's dying to finally come out!

Peace, Love and Infinite Possibilities!