October 22, 2009

Tone for the Day!

I do believe, Catrell, that if people would just start by saying "it's fun," when it seems hard; "I'm happy," when they seem sad; and "I know," when it seems as if they don't, they'd finally discover that it really is, they really are, and they always have.

Works for me,
The Universe

Good morning. I woke up feeling blessed, even as I was rushing, this morning. The rushing part is honestly not my fault today...I've noticed this week that my phone isn't ringing which also means that my alarm is not going off. Now, I just revamped my bedroom and decided it was time for my trusty alarm clock, circa 1994, to be put away. I guess I'm gonna have to break it back out. I guess it wasn't ready for its early retirement.

Anyhoo...today is Essay Day! I am promising myself and my life that I will finish writing the last portion of my application so I can send everything off On Time! Trouble is I've tried writing it and I can't get it out in words..."What led me to my interest in this major?" That should be simple right?? It's harder than it seems. Writing this and contacting SOMEONE at my old school are the last two things to check off!

On another note...I'm terribly excited, ecstatic, elated, to begin this new chapter in my life! I've found myself doing as much research as I possibly can on eating Raw and have even joined a few groups online for support and help, etc. I'm not telling too many people because that's the old me. Having plans, being excited, telling everyone what I'm going to do and then no follow-through. Not this time. I just priced a juicer last night (Thank you Mr. LaLanne) and have ordered books, set aside dinero for my first Raw trip to Wholefoods and I'm SO ready. No matter whose birthday party, going away party, dinner party it is, I'm not swaying on this one. Not one bit. The first step to a meaningful, healthy, insightful, purpose-driven life (for me at least) is cleaning out my body and mind of all of its build up! It's time for clarity and energy and strength! :)

I need to go do some work. I'll probably get back on and write some more because I have so much in my head right now. Until then, I'm leaving my Goals list on here:

Life: The Best!
Health: Raw. Yoga. Spirituality. Purpose!
School: Parsons!
Work: New Job. Finish Book. Art (Shoot and Shows and Line with Isra)!

Nothing's Impossible. All of this is 15 years in the making...I've got a lot more to do but...It's a Start!

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